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an alternative and effective approach

"Grief is the most painful human process..."For I feel there is something that could be exceedingly helpful to those who have lost a loved one - especially parents who have lost a child, the worst grief of all - in navigating through this difficult time...."
K. Paul Stoller, MD
Grief SOS Resources
Published on Apr 26, 2014
Sandra Champlain, author of #1 international bestseller "We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life
After Death" gave two speeches about grief at the Life, Death and Dying conference in Scottsdale. While the speeches were meant to be the same, they are different. Both will make a difference for you or anyone that has experienced a loss.
'How to Survive Grief" Part 1
Sandra Champlaign
Scottswdale Conference
April 2014
'How to Survive Grief" Part 2
Sandra Champlaign
Scottswdale Conference
April 2014
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